Sade Ferguson, Pro Waterskier ["...I feel calm and focused, I feel fresh and energised while wearing it..."]

Sade Ferguson, Pro Waterskier ["...I feel calm and focused, I feel fresh and energised while wearing it..."]

"When I was 4 my parents lived by Q-Link necklaces, so naturally I begged my parents to buy me a pretty pink one. Since then I’ve worn a Q-Link necklace while competing, training on and off the water. I’ve done the test to compare my strength and balance while wearing the necklace and not wearing it. I was mind blown! My whole family wears a Q-Link necklace. While wearing my necklace I feel strong and confident, while the pendent is around my neck I feel calm and focused, I feel fresh and energised while wearing it."

2018 Jnr Jump World Champion 
3 x Jnr Moomba, Slalom, Overall Champion 
2 x Jnr Moomba Jump Champion
2019 Jnr US Masters Jump Champion 
2019 U21 Bronze Slalom & Overall Champion 
2019 Sports Hall Of Fame Scholarship Holder 
2019 Australian Open Women Jump, Trick & Overall Champion 
2020 Aus Vs Kiwi U17 Girls Slalom, Jump & Overall Champion 

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