IMPORTANT NOTICES: The Q-Link Pendant and/or cord or chain may present a choking or strangulation risk and should not be utilized by or given to young children or infants. In addition and as with most any necklace hanging loosely from the body, the Q-Link Pendant could swing out from the user and become caught on other objects or trapped in moving parts of machinery causing harm.
PENDANTS: Each pendant includes a 36" adjustable cord. Once desired pendant position has been determined on body, tie a knot by placing the two cord ends in parallel, making a loop, then running the two ends through that loop. Pull firmly until tight knot forms, then trim excess cord. Check knot regularly. Pendant may face in either direction when worn. Pendants are highly water resistant and may be worn while swimming and showering. A mild soap and fresh warm water is sufficient for cleaning Q-Link Pendants. Pendants exposed to potentially corrosive elements such as salt water should be rinsed with fresh water immediately. Copper, Silver and Gold Q-Link Pendant models may tarnish over time; use a quality metal polishing solution or cloth to restore luster and finish.
NIMBUS & STRATUS: Nimbus & Stratus are powered by a standard USB port. Backlit Q-Link logo signifies unit is operating.
CLEAR: Predetermine CLEAR product location on your device where it will come in contact with your body or grip when your device is being utilized. Only affix CLEAR on a very clean, smooth, flat and non-porous surface free of debris/grease/oil. Apply CLEAR by peeling away adhesive backing and pressing firmly into place, applying pressure for several seconds. Once CLEAR is mounted, do not attempt to remove or reposition as adhesive will be compromised.