Mark Ament - CEO, The Maca Team ["...I noticed that I had worked straight through my normal lunch break and that I still felt fresh and energized."]

Mark Ament - CEO, The Maca Team ["...I noticed that I had worked straight through my normal lunch break and that I still felt fresh and energized."]

"Since I’m in the natural health and healing field I receive many offers to trial products and give my opinions on them. A few years back a good friend of mine asked me to do that with the Q-Link Pendant. He sent me a Titanium Q-Link and asked me simply to wear it. The first time I sat down at the computer with the pendant on, I didn’t really notice all that much as I sat answering emails and writing my second book on raw foods. I continued working and it wasn’t until I stopped that I got a sense of how the Q-Link Pendant had helped me. I noticed that I had worked straight through my normal lunch break and that I still felt fresh and energized. I hadn’t changed anything else in what I was doing, so I had to put the difference down to wearing the Q-Link. I liked the Q-Link Pendant so much that I actually purchased it from my friend and have been wearing it nearly every day since."
Mark Ament
The Maca Team

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