Andrew F. ["...As soon as I put the Pendant on I felt a slight 'lift', and continued to feel a subtle sense of enhanced clarity..."]

Andrew F. ["...As soon as I put the Pendant on I felt a slight 'lift', and continued to feel a subtle sense of enhanced clarity..."]
"Hello & thank you for the Q-Link blue acrylic pendant that arrived yesterday. I've suffered from depression, SAD, and sick-building syndrome in the past - and consider myself a very sensitive (as well as skeptical) person. Plenty of things out there are gimmicks. As soon as I put the pendant on I felt a slight 'lift', and continued to feel a subtle sense of enhanced clarity. Simply put, I breathe easier wearing Q-Link and just purchased the blue Nimbus and a black Q-Link CLEAR for my mother's iPhone, so she might know the difference. I keep the brochure in my wallet - I'm really glad to have found you guys and will be keeping an eagle eye on my mailbox for the Nimbus :)

Andrew F., another Satisfied Customer in Canada!

PS. Please feel free to use this unsolicited testimonial - a lot of people could benefit from this technology, and they don't even know it."
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