Sw. Virato - Publisher, New Frontier Magazine ["...I am not quick to endorse such products, but here it is..."]

Sw. Virato - Publisher, New Frontier Magazine ["...I am not quick to endorse such products, but here it is..."]
"We have been using your Q-Link ClearWave for the past few months. While we could not tell any difference in the first few weeks, I can say that I am amazed at how much more aliveness there is now in our office space where we use this product. The office plants all seem to be healthier and our employees all seem to be more alert, and get more work done. Since we made no other change in the office but the Q-Link ClearWave, I must assume that it is due to your product. I wholeheartedly endorse your product, both from an environmental standpoint and also from a technical standpoint. Your product not only makes sense, it really works. I am not quick to endorse such products, but here it is..."
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