Robert Teifeld, Ph.D. - Biomedical Researcher ["...a complete transformation of who we think we are..."]

Robert Teifeld, Ph.D. - Biomedical Researcher ["...a complete transformation of who we think we are..."]

"The first thing that I noticed when using the Q-Link Pendant was that it took the edge off my life. By this I mean my emotional/mental experience of roughness or noise was greatly reduced and the feeling of clarity and centeredness was enhanced. My awareness was smoother and more expanded. I also noticed that I needed less sleep at night and felt more awake and alert throughout the day. I feel that this technology allows people to enhance their physiological and psychological functioning in very profound ways. Well done!"

"This technology, which has been shown to have biological effects on the cellular level, [can unlock] a complete transformation of who we think we are, and what we are capable of knowing and accomplishing."

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