Energy Meridian Performance [Steve McGregor, Biomeridian Practitioner]

Energy Meridian Performance [Steve McGregor, Biomeridian Practitioner]

Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA) has been utilized for decades in various practices to measure electrical characteristics at meridian points throughout the body. Utilizing specialized equipment and software, a subjects energy measurements can be recorded and assessed by a trained and certified practitioner. Different organs are associated with different energy meridians, and health problems in various organs are believed to manifest themselves as energetic disturbances in the associated meridians.

Once baseline testing has been performed on select meridians, a practitioner introduces a stimulus and repeats the tests to see how these energetic readings change.

In each selected meridian test area, subjects are measured on a data output scale of 0-100. The ideal target zone typically falls within the 45-55 score range. Practitioners say measurements above 55 can be seen as stressful as it indicates excess energy, or an inflamed condition in that part of the human biofield (energy system). Measurements below 45 are seen as stressful because lower numbers may represent impaired, weakened or blocked energy systems. The closer the measurements are to 50, the closer one is to actually being balanced and in their ideal performance zone.

In a range of MSA testing utilizing varying protocols, the Q-Link Pendant, Nimbus & CLEAR helped return meridians closer to their ideal operational zones.

View Nimbus Testing (part 1)
View Nimbus Testing (part 2)

View CLEAR Testing (part 1)
View CLEAR Testing (part 2)

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