• Improvement in Muscle Weakness [Blaich, D.C., D.I.B.A.K.]

    Improvement in Muscle Weakness [Blaich, D.C., D.I.B.A.K.]

    In a clinical study conducted by Dr. Robert Blaich, President of the International College of Applied Kinesiology, the Q-Link Pendant (a 'Passive' SRT product) consistently helps to improve acupuncture energy imbalances and to negate the recurrence of muscle weakness. The study also suggests that muscle weakness induced by the presence of EMF is negated when wearing the Q-Link Pendant in 95% of the cases. Based upon Applied Kinesiology testing, Dr. Blaich concluded that the Q-Link Pendant enhances the healing process based upon the marked improvement seen in long term symptoms.

    *Published in the Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine: RUBIK/SRT& trade PAPER, Vol. 8, #6 (pp 823-856), Scientific Foundation & Summaries of Biological & Clinical Studies. Beverly Rubik, PhD.